Our BBQ Grill Cleaning Service is a natural fit for the many busy lifestyles of homeowners who appreciate healthy outdoor grilling.
Grill Hood
Control Knobs
Rotisserie Racks
Pull-Out Trays
Burners (+ blow-out)
Wire Catch Pan
Drip Pans
Grill Racks
Heat Plates
Flavorizer Bars
Venturi tubes
Wire connections
Vent Casing
Backdraft Damper
Blower Wheels
Exhaust Fans
To maintain a healthy grill for cooking requires a good deep cleaning of all components at least once a year or more if grilling is a weekly lifestyle. Clean cooking grates is a small fraction of a truly clean grill. When food debris and grease build up excessively underneath the cooking grates your fresh food is being steamed with many months of old carbonized food debris and grease. Occasionally, we have found unwanted guests in grills that have been unused for a extended period of time. We recommend to have a good look in your grill upon return of a vacation or extended stay away.
Ignition Modules
Battery Boxes
Control Valves
Rotisserie Thermocouplers
Propane and Natural Gas Regulators
Heat Plates
Ceramic Rod Trays
Briquette Trays
Ceramic Rods/Briquettes/Biscuits
Bun Warmers
Cooking Grids
Continual build-up of soot is a real eyesore. Our 100% cleaning solutions are completely safe around your family, pets and pets. They are designed specifically for use within a cooking environment and are food safe.
“I had my barbecue cleaned last week the did a killer job, looks brand new! I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for the same services. 5 Stars all the way!”
– Claudia A